Since we made
as the WolfHunter Root Machine, which means this machine will take reposible for PXE Deployment Server, and it should have more roles, like:
The main purpose for this Root Machine is for much more easier deployment, idealy we only need to maintain one server, then we take this "Root Machine" to a seperated network, then we could deploy several different kinds of service in this network.
In this section we mainly install and setup Ansible Node in Root Machine.
Install it via:
# yum install -y ansible sshpass
Check it via:
# ansible --version
ansible 1.9.2
configure module search path = None
In last chapter we created a node which has been deployed via Cobbler Server. Now we want to use Ansible for reach it.
First we create a directory which used for holding all of our Ansible testing code.
# mkdir -p ~/Code/Ansible
# cd ~/Code/Ansible
Ansible need a configuration file for holding all of the configuration information, create this file and enter the following content:
# vim ~/Code/Ansible/ansible.cfg
This file indicates the hostfile for holding all of the host related information locates in the same directory with the name of WolfHunterHosts
. Now we create this file with following content:
# vim ~/Code/Ansible/WolfHunterHosts
Now we first manually do a "fake" login to remote machine "", the purpose is to add the remote's definition into our ssh's list of known hosts. You needn't input the correct password, just hit CTRL+C when you see the password hint:
# ssh [email protected]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting(yes/no)? yes
[email protected]'s password: HIT CTRL+C
Now use ansible for play a ping-pong with remote host, this time please input the correct password:
# ansible all -m ping --ask-pass
SSH password: | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
See? you send out a ping, and now you got a pong. Congratulations, you have reached the node!
The host file could have a list of nodes, but we could specify whichever node we want to talk to, like following example:
# ansible WolfHunterFirstNode -m shell -a "uptime" --ask-pass
SSH passwords: | success | rc=0 >>
13:50:36 up 1:58, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
The command which we entered in last part means we want to ping all of the nodes which listed in the host file.
In this section we installed the Ansible Node, and use defined 2 files, only with these 2 files we reached our newly deployed node. In next Chapter we will introduce Ansible Playbooks for installing/configurating/uninstalling NTP Services on this node, which will give a good start-point for more compliated deployment.